This web page houses the technical results of the multi-part modeling analysis conducted by Evolved Energy Research and Industrial Economics, Inc. for Decarb America.

The PowerPoint file below includes an overview of Evolved Energy Research’s modeling approach, the modeling assumptions, and the modeling scenarios.

To view the full technical results, download the Tableau Workbook. This can be viewed using the free Tableau Reader. The Tableau Workbook includes results for all fourteen scenarios (reference, nine pathways, and four innovation scenarios) by CO2 emissions, annual electricity generation, annual load, new generation capacity, installed generation capacity, transmission cap and flow, transmission flow in megawatt hours, load generation in megawatt hours, biomass feedstocks, hydrogen demand and supply, biofuels, carbon dioxide demand and supply, liquid fuels, pipelines, and marginal fuel costs. Since this is a large file, please be patient with downloading.

The report by Industrial Economics, Inc. assesses the employment and economic impacts of 20 different clean energy, transportation, and innovation infrastructure policies that can create jobs and stimulate the economy while advancing our climate goals. We plan to release a second report that will focus on the national and state-level employment and economic impacts of the net-zero scenarios.

Pathways To Net-Zero Emissions And Energy Infrastructure Needs For A Net-Zero Economy

Presentation of Scenario Descriptions and Modeling Approach


When you have downloaded Tableau Reader and the Workbook, you can use the reader to browse the charts and data in the workbook. Simply open the Reader application then click “File —> Open…” and choose the Workbook you want to open. When it opens, you’ll see something like the below image:

At the top, you’ll see labels for each scenario. You can select one of these by clicking and multiple by ctrl+clicking. If you right click on one or multiple scenarios, you’ll see options to “keep only” or “exclude.” This can help you filter out data you don’t need or want to see. You can also scroll your cursor over each graph to reveal numerical details about different data sets. The bottom banner displays all of the outputs and measures this analysis produces, such as CO2 emissions, net generation, and marginal fuel costs. Clicking one of these changes the set of graphs, allowing you to explore more data (though please be patient, as Tableau Reader may need a few minutes to properly produce and display the graphs).

Employment Effects Of Investments In Clean Energy, Innovation, and Transportation Infrastructure

Clean Energy Stimulus Jobs Report

Innovation Hubs, Weatherization, and Energy Efficiency Jobs and Economic Benefits

Employment Impacts of Achieving Net-Zero Emissions by 2050