
This map shows the buildout of nuclear energy compatible with reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 in five-year increments. Interactive features show resources broken down into existing and new. Existing nuclear consists of all our large light water reactors and represents reactors that are relicensed up to an eighty-year useful life. New nuclear comprises all advanced nuclear technologies. We do not project any new large light-water reactors.

Strong policy support for nuclear ensures existing reactors are not shut down prematurely, which is an essential component for reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. We do see a slight decrease in existing nuclear power as some of the fleet retires naturally. The development of new nuclear power occurs in states that are resource-constrained compared to others, like Florida and New York which have limited onshore and high-quality offshore wind potential. Different technology costs may increase the competitiveness of new nuclear power, which is explored in our Nuclear Innovation Case coming soon.